這款BB霜具有出乎意外的延展性,質地清透。最重要是它的成分,實在太吸引人啦 →http://goo.gl/pzrbxu
【國外部落客強力推薦】澳洲LA MAV友肌BB霜
My thoughts:
OMG Best BB EVER. Buy it now. Tell your friends, tell your daughters, knock on your neighbours door. It’s thick and creamy like a really light foundation and it doesn’t lie when it says it will hide all of your imperfections. You don’t need to use anything else with this. (By Yadira)
OMG Best BB EVER. Buy it now. Tell your friends, tell your daughters, knock on your neighbours door. It’s thick and creamy like a really light foundation and it doesn’t lie when it says it will hide all of your imperfections. You don’t need to use anything else with this. (By Yadira)
噢買尬這是史上最好用的BB霜!! 趕快去買吧! 順便告訴你的朋友、妳的女兒(媽媽),還有記得去敲鄰居的門告訴身邊每一個人!
有沒有這麼誇張的形容啊,哈哈! 不過真的很好用喔~牛奶般柔潤的質地,非常保濕,並且具有遮瑕效果,能掩飾臉上瑕疵,只要這一瓶,就能讓你輕鬆快速出門玩耍囉! →http://goo.gl/pzrbxu
有沒有這麼誇張的形容啊,哈哈! 不過真的很好用喔~牛奶般柔潤的質地,非常保濕,並且具有遮瑕效果,能掩飾臉上瑕疵,只要這一瓶,就能讓你輕鬆快速出門玩耍囉! →http://goo.gl/pzrbxu
圖片來源: 網路